As the market’s only addressable solution that works with traditional linear TV and Internet based services, the INVIDI system is a unique one-size-fits-all solution for advertisers, service providers, and networks. Today’s modern consumers move seamlessly from platform to platform all day long, no longer tied to a specific medium for their news or entertainment needs. TV, mobile, tablet – you name it.
Integrating Across Platforms is a Key Deliverable
The INVIDI addressable TV advertising system is a truly cross-platform solution. By leveraging the audience targeting data, consumers view ads run on all platforms while advertisers are able to measure the behaviors of their audiences.
With viewer fragmentation, is TV advertising still impactful?
Consumer behavior demonstrates a very clear “yes.” Research shows neither digital nor direct mail can match the long-term ROI of TV advertising because of the way that consumers connect emotionally with TV. Studies have proven that even digital campaigns have benefited from the positive halo effect TV ads provide, driving improved results when the two are combined.
Contact us for more information on INVIDI’s addressable advertising solutions.